


​KLA Music

Term 1
The music elements of beat, pitch (high and low sounds), dynamics (loud and soft sounds) and tempo (fast and slow) are introduced through songs, games, dances and listening to environmental sounds and sounds made by musicians.
Students will:
  • Learn about the safe use and care of instruments.
  • Begin to experiment with ways to play percussion instruments – drums, shakers, triangles, rhythm sticks (claves).
  • Use musical instruments to tell a story.
  • Learn about being an audience and responding to a performance.
  • Learn a song to perform at the Easter Hat Parade for an audience of the school student body and community.
Term 2
Students will
  • Play with a steady beat and use beat symbols
  • Use instruments to tell a sound story
  • Identify high and low sounds
  • Respond to loud and soft music
  • Respond to fast and slow music
Year 1
Term 1
In the Year 1 curriculum, much of Music, Dance and Drama are integrated.
Students will:
  • Learn songs and dances that reinforce the concept of the rhythm names.
  • ta, ti-ti and za.
  • They will listen and respond to high and low sounds and use tuned percussion instruments – glockenspiel, xylophones and marimbas to explore high and low notes.
  • They will learn how to read pitch maps.
  • They will learn about the music alphabet and begin to sing note names.
  • They will learn a song to sing at the Easter Hat Parade for an audience of the school student body and community.
Term 2
Students will
  • Recognise a rest – za
  • Create new lyrics for a simple song
  • Use Pitch Maps to show getting higher and lower
  • Play the C major Scale
  • Experience different uses of music and different musical cultures
Year 2
Term 1
Students will:
  • Revise and consolidate known rhythms ta, ti-ti and za and introduce too-oo.
  • Create rhythm charts and perform as a small group.
  • Say and play a simple three part chant and perform in canon.
  • Create an ostinato to a short rhyme.
  • Sing and play songs with echo/question and answer, melodic phrases.
  • Sing a simple three part song with repeating phrases.
  • Experiment with instruments and begin to understand the concept of tone colour.
Term 2
Students will
  • Perform ostinato – rhythmic, body percussion and melodic
  • Call and response songs
  • Explore melody and pitch
  • Revise known rhythms
  • Learn correct beater hold
  • Create a simple melody using 3 notes
Year 3
Term 1
Students will:
  • Create moves and raps to music that is in time and time.
  • Create bars of rhythm in time and time.
  • Use accents to help hear that the music is in time and time.
  • Introduce too-oo-oo.
  • Style – Waltz, Tango.
Term 2
Students will:
  • Explore and create pitch maps.
  • AB form.
  • Revise Music alphabet and begin reading note names from the staff.
  • Revise time.
  • Compose as a group using beat, rhythm and improvisation.
  • Experience Drone and scat.
  • Compose in a small group.
Year 4
Term 1
Students will:
  • Build a repertoire of songs with different feels.
  • Explore different rhythm patterns in the context of those feels.
  • Will learn a square dance.
Term 2
Students will:
  • Create riffs from the lyrics in the song.
  • Perform 4 part arrangement of the song “There’s a part for Everybody”.
Year 5
Term 1
Students will:
  • Create riffs from the lyrics in a song.
Term 2
Students will
  • Explore songs music and dance through different styles.
  • ka
  • osti
  • nato
Year 6
Term 1
Students will:
  • Create riffs from the lyrics in the song.
  • Perform 4 part arrangement of the song “There’s a part for Everybody”.
Term 2
Students will:
  • Play The Marimba March on Marimba, xylophone or keyboard using correct beater technique and a pleasant tone.

Instrumental Music Program

The Education Queensland Instrumental Music Program is a comprehensive tuition program in which students learn band or orchestral instruments.

Tuition commences no earlier than year 3 for strings and year 4 for woodwind, brass and percussion and continues through to year 12.

The size of the program is determined by staffing levels. This may, unfortunately, mean that not all students who wish to participate are able to do so.

Moggill State School has an active Instrumental Music Program involving approximately 100 students. Students from Year 3 are eligible for the Strings Program. The school has 3 String ensembles:  Beginner Strings, Junior Strings and Senior Strings, catering for students at all ability levels.  

Students in Year 4 are able to join the Band Program. While learning a Woodwind, Brass or Percussion instrument these students are members of either our Junior Band or Senior Concert Band. 

Our Instrumental students receive one 30-minute group lesson each week and rehearse in their ensemble once a week, before school or at lunchtime. Our ensembles are busy throughout the year with assembly performances, concerts, competitions and our annual Instrumental workshop -“Moggill Music Mania”- which involves visiting specialists working with the students. 

Our Instrumental program is greatly valued and supported by the Moggill school community. We endeavour to offer students the opportunity to learn a musical instrument – learn new skills and experience the enjoyment that comes with being part of an ensemble and making music with friends! 

Contact: Tim Harris or Sandra Randall

​Instrumental Music Program - Student Resource Scheme

To provide parents with a cost effective alternative to purchasing textbooks and/or resources elsewhere, Moggill State School operates a Student Resource Scheme for Instrumental Music. ​The scheme ensures that students have resources required for them to engage with the curriculum for their education, and saves parents time and money in sourcing the prescribed materials elsewhere. Savings are gained through the school's bulk purchasing practices and hiring arrangements. The scheme is not used to raise funds for other purposes, and revenue collecting through the scheme is applied only to the resources and operations of the scheme. 

​Strings & Band - Year 3​​​

​$40 levy includes music scores, music workbooks/sheets

Workshop (extra fee) is paid for by parents through an external source.

Strings & Band - Years 4-6

​$55 levy includes music scores, music workbooks/sheets and workshops​​

The Selection process – How it Works

By necessity an involved selection process is followed during Terms 3 and 4 for students in Years 2 and 3.

The following factors are taken into account for selection:

•Results from the Gordon Intermediate Measures of Music Audition ​Test. This test is administered by the classroom music teacher in Term 3. Students listen to groups of two short rhythms and melodies and have to identify whether they are the same or different. If a year 2 child is unable to understand the test, they are deemed not developmentally ready for the strings program and will be retested in year 4 for eligibility for the band program.

•Class music lesson results. However, please be aware that getting an A in classroom music does not guarantee participation in instrumental music.

•Is the student an independent learner with good work habits who has demonstrated responsibility? 

•Is the student self-disciplined with reliable homework habits?

•Is the student self-motivated with the ability to cope with class work  and to catch up after attending instrumental lessons?

•Parental support and encouragement of the child.

Initial enrolment in the program is for a minimum of one year. It is expected that once a child commences lessons they will continue until they leave the school.

A letter is sent home at the beginning of term 4 and an information night is held in term 4 for shortlisted students and their parents. The program allows each participant one entry opportunity. Students are not free to change instruments. It is not possible to begin with strings in year 3 and switch to band in year 4.

It is expected that students participating in the program will practice at home.

Last reviewed 03 May 2024
Last updated 03 May 2024